
Dearest friends of my father,

This is Samantha. This past month like you I have wept and laughed; probably wept more than laughed and Dad would tell me to find my laugh again. You know he would tell you to do the same. And he would look at you with a twinkle in his eye and share a wild story that would make you laugh. I always knew Dennis was a great man, not because he did not have his own struggles, externally and internally, but because of those struggles he faced he continuously worked to triumph over them, even if just narrowly.

Dennis' passing is a disruptive ripple in our soul's fabric. You know as well as I do we are changed—changed for the better of having him in our lives to show us how much one man can do, overcome, and be a consistent man; consistent like Mom. I am currently working on my consistency to come back to this new version of myself.

How blessed are we that shared time with him on Earth and until we meet again I’ll be praying, weeping, and laughing. And in Heaven we'll all be laughing so hard we’ll be crying with joy.

May God Be Praised


With Sorrow and Smiles,
Samantha Lynn Kelly

+ All the eulogies are posted!


As Dennis would say...

long story short

#34 Salesianum School's Dennis Kelly finds the going rough in the second annual Delaware High School Football Tournament championship game at Delaware Stadium, Evening Journal, December 4, 1972.

We think this photo is Dennis in Las Vegas... which makes sense, he always liked to be "KellyHot"...what a hunk!

make sure you

live a full life

Got a crazy story?

please share

"We had been going out about six months. And of course, I always thought he looked like a derelict convict when he got that haircut, because Dennis had just started at The Academy. He had his head shaved. We were at a my friend's wedding and I was in the wedding..." -Paula